Teutonic Order

by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House on 2025-02-17T23:16:00Z

 It looks like Germany is cracking down on hate speech, that is, anything that might offend or insult someone.  Especially politicians. Insty covers it here.  And CBS 60 minutes highlights it here.

Watching the 60 Minutes segment was chilling.  The German prosecutors say that a large portion of the German pubic has quit engaging online because of hate speech.  More likely, a large portion of the populace has quit engaging because they don't want the police banging on their door in the early morning.

Hate speech is free speech. It may be deplorable or detestable, but it is free speech.  The only antidote is universal condemnation, not pre-dawn police raids.  Germany has tried that once.  They called it Kristallnacht, followed by The Night of the Long Knives.

Germans should know that history often rhymes.  They should be very careful about criminalizing speech.

Presiden't day - Best and Worst Presidents

by Borepatch in Borepatch on 2025-02-17T21:17:00Z

I've posted this each President's Day for ten years but have found no reason to adjust the rankings.

It's not a real President's birthday (Lincoln's was the 12th, Washington's is the 22nd), but everyone wants a day off, so sorry Abe and George, but we're taking it today.  But in the spirit intended for the holiday, let me offer up Borepatch's bestest and worstest lists for Presidents.

Top Five:

#5: Calvin Coolidge

Nothing To Report is a fine epitaph for a President, in this day of unbridled expansion of Leviathan.

#4. Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson is perhaps the last (and first) President who exercised extra-Constitutional power in a manner that was unambiguously beneficial for the Republic (the Louisiana Purchase).  He repealed Adam's noxious Alien and Sedition Acts and pardoned those convicted under them.

#3. Grover Cleveland*. 

He didn't like the pomp and circumstance of the office, and he hated the payoffs so common then and now.  He continually vetoed pork spending (including for veterans of the War Between the States), so much so that he was defeated for re-election, but unusually won a second term later.  This quote is priceless (would that Latter Day Presidents rise so high), on vetoing a farm relief bill: "Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the Government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character." 

#2. Ronald Reagan

He at least tried to slow down the growth of Leviathan, the first President to do so in over half a century (see entry #5, above).  He would have reduced it further, except that his opposition to the Soviet fascist state and determination to end it cost boatloads of cash.  It also caused outrage among the home grown fascists in the Media and Universities, but was wildly popular among the general population which was (and hopefully still remains) sane.

#1. George Washington

Could have been King.  Wasn't.  Q.E.D. 

Bottom Five:

#5. John Adams.

There's no way to read the Alien and Sedition Acts as anything other than a blatant violation of the First Amendment.  It's a sad statement that the first violation of a Presidential Oath of Office was with President #2. 

#4. Woodrow Wilson.

Not only did he revive the spirit of Adams' Sedition Acts, he caused a Presidential opponent to be imprisoned under the terms of his grotesque Sedition Act of 1918.  He was Progressivism incarnate: he lied us into war, he jailed the anti-war opposition, he instituted a draft, reinstituted segregation in the Civil Service, and he was entirely soft-headed when it came to foreign policy.  The fact that Progressives love him (and hate Donald Trump) says all you need to know about them.

#3 Lyndon Johnson.

An able legislator who was able to get bills passed without having any real idea what they would do once enacted, he is responsible for more Americans living in poverty and despair than any occupant of the White House, and that says a lot.

#2. Franklin Roosevelt.

America's Mussolini - ruling extra-Constitutionally fixing wages and prices, packing the Supreme Court, and transforming the country into a bunch of takers who would sell their votes for a trifle.  He also rounded up a bunch of Americans and sent them to Concentration Camps.  But they were nice Concentration Camps - at least we're told that by his admirers.  At least Mussolini met an honorable end.

#1. Abraham Lincoln.

There's no doubt that the Constitution never would have been ratified if the States hadn't thought they could leave if they needed to.  Lincoln saw to it that 10% of the military-age male population was killed or wounded preventing that in an extra-Constitutional debacle unequaled in the Republic's history.  Along the way, he suspended Habeas Corpus, instituted the first ever draft on these shores, and jailed political opponents as he saw fit.  Needless to say, Progressives adore him.

So happy President's Day.  

* I am currently reading A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland (recommended).  I had not known that the very first First Lady to have Jackie Kennedy style glamor was his wife Frances, whom he wed in the White House itself.  Here she is in her salad days (courtesy of Wikipedia):




The Meme Just Writes Itself

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T20:39:05Z

60 Mins is just fully a scam [More] Obvious then and obvious now.

The post The Meme Just Writes Itself first appeared on The War on Guns.

Questions Answered

by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House on 2025-02-17T18:53:00Z

 A couple of questions about the post below, where I'm tumbling brass in a concrete mixer.  Juvat asks:

Just a bit of a question, what is walnut media?

Walnut media is a fine abrasive made from ground walnut shells. I get it at Harbor Freight.  It's great for cleaning and polishing brass. 

Rob asks:

4,000 rounds? How long will it take you to reload all 4,000? Heck, how long will they last when the shooting starts? I'm just curious...

That's just what I'm cleaning today.  I already have 6000 cleaned. This is specialty ammunition used in Cowboy Fast Draw.  CFDA rules require that at sanctioned shoots, all competitors use the same ammunition.  One rule of thumb is that the host provide 100 rounds for each competitor.  All this ammunition will be shot in three days at the Texas State Championship to be held in Richmond, TX on the second weekend of March.  Through an inter-club agreement, we are supplying the loaded ammo and they will replace the wax bullets and primers.  Then, we will clean all the brass again and reload it for Louisiana State, which will be held in Pineville, LA over Memorial Day weekend.

We're having a club meeting tomorrow night to load ammo.  We'll be done in about three hours, then we'll eat gumbo and potato salad.

Everything you might want to know about Cowboy Fast Draw is in the video below.

The sport is a lot of fun.  If you are interested, go to Cowboy Fast Draw for more information.

Another Quora Post

by Kevin in The Smallest Minority on 2025-02-17T18:13:29Z

This one from a year ago. In answer to the question “Why is the education system in California so bad?” I replied: The education system across the country is a sea of crap with whirlpools of suckitude, archipelagos of mediocrity, and widely scattered tiny islands of excellence. And it’s that way by design. We’re into our… Continue reading Another Quora Post

We’re the Only Ones Pluriempleo Enough

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T18:06:34Z

A US Customs and Border Protection officer accused of smuggling illegal aliens across the Texas border was allegedly moonlighting as a member of the La Linea drug cartel. [More] I don’t supposing hanging him from a bridge is an option? [Via Michael G]

The post We’re the Only Ones Pluriempleo Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

Cause for Alarm

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T17:38:26Z

“This case is a perfect example of the carnage that guns are causing in our community”, said O’Malley… [More] Talk about a seasoned grasp of cause and effect… [Via JG]

The post Cause for Alarm first appeared on The War on Guns.

Chilling surveillance footage showed one of the club’s security guards – who appeared to be wearing body armor – calmly raising his weapon as he steps in front of cowering clubgoers diving to the ground below. [More] “Commonsense gun safety advocates” would rather he and the sheep he protected had been slaughtered. [Via bondmen]

The post What Do You Need an ‘Assault Weapon’ For? first appeared on The War on Guns.

Special Ed

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T17:23:41Z

US special forces landing in Mexico to train marine infantry [More] Will any of the cartels be stupid enough to attack them? I have a tangentially related AmmoLand piece in the hopper. [Via bondmen]

The post Special Ed first appeared on The War on Guns.

The Sheriff’s Office said video footage reviewed on Friday revealed Lomax had been armed with an edged dagger as he assaulted multiple individuals. He confronted a vehicle that attempted to leave and tried to assault the driver as he stabbed the vehicle multiple times.

More Here

A Deserving Young Man

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T17:18:39Z

A teenager from Los Angeles County has been handed a four-year prison sentence after admitting to orchestrating over 375 “swatting calls” across the United States. [More] Enjoy the terror, kid. You earned it. [Via bondmen]

The post A Deserving Young Man first appeared on The War on Guns.

TX: Houston Area Man Arrested after Shot fired by Woman in Car

by Dean Weingarten in GUN WATCH on 2025-02-17T17:15:00Z

Deputies with Constable Mark Herman’s office have a male suspect in custody for Assault near Aldine Westfield Road and Old Cypresswood Drive following a road rage.
Investigation revealed the male suspect exited his vehicle and assaulted the female victim who was still in her car. While being assaulted, she grabbed her handgun and fired a shot and he released her.

More Here

Messin’ with Texas

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T17:05:31Z

Ken Paxton: George Soros Controls 70% of Texas Through Elected DAs [Watch] Maybe that explains the lack of real estate redlining prosecutions… [Via bondmen]

The post Messin’ with Texas first appeared on The War on Guns.

We’re the Only Ones Party Animals Enough

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T17:00:39Z

FBI officials, past and present, have marshaled significant evidence via whistleblower complaints and testimony indicating that several terminated leaders routinely used their offices for partisan purposes. [More] Will they still enjoy LEOSA benefits? Be nice if somebody told the administration to make sure losing them was part of the deal… [Via bondmen]

The post We’re the Only Ones Party Animals Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

Do the Right Thing

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T16:49:04Z

Restrictions, Restrictions: Virginia Dems Send Numerous Gun Controls to Gov. Youngkin’s Desk [More] So will we see Veto, Veto? That Jennifer Boysko sure is an @$$hole. [Via bondmen]

The post Do the Right Thing first appeared on The War on Guns.

Remember How Making Pot Legal Would Raise Revenue?

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-17T16:29:00Z

2/17/25 San Francisco Chronicle:
"California’s legal cannabis market has hit another grim milestone: There are now 10,828 inactive and surrendered pot licenses in the state and only 8,514 active ones, meaning dead pot licenses now outnumber active ones, according to the Department of Cannabis Control’s data dashboard. 

"This inversion comes seven years after the legal cannabis market opened. While it’s not clear exactly when the threshold was crossed, because the state does not release historical licensing information, California’s legal market has been struggling for years, with thousands of companies going out of business."

The core issue is that taxing it made the illegal growers competitive on price and California has shown little enthusiasm for going after the unlicensed growers.   I am reminded of how the American Association Against the Prohibition Amendment sold repeal on the dramatic revenue that taxing alcohol again would raise,  based on the illegal price. 

Speaking of Conflicts of Interest…

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T16:25:33Z

Racist Judge Jack McConnell, Who Halted President Trump’s Temporary Spending Freeze, Received Over $100 Million in Government Funding for His NGO [More] Sic ‘im! [Via Len Savage]

The post Speaking of Conflicts of Interest… first appeared on The War on Guns.

Things to Come

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T16:17:21Z

Cities just started using AI GUN CONTROL… [Watch] Big Brother was an amateur. [Via Jess]

The post Things to Come first appeared on The War on Guns.


by Mas in on 2025-02-17T16:13:00Z

The death penalty is a controversial issue, obviously.  I’ve seen enough wrongful convictions that I can’t advocate for capital punishment. The same is true of Dr. Jim Williams, a friend and one of my fourth level graduates. However, as an MD he is practical enough to realize that if people are going to be killed […]

Not Embracing the Diversity…

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T16:12:05Z

Gun rights activists sue Walz, Ellison, over binary trigger ban contained in jumbo omnibus bill [More] We should have figured with tampons in boys’ rooms ol’ Tim’d be non-binary… [Via Jess]

The post Not Embracing the Diversity… first appeared on The War on Guns.

By the Numbers

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T16:02:07Z

Trump’s FBI Reforms Need To Include Ending Its Data Distortions On Crime [More] Because what they’ve been doing doesn’t add up. [Via Michael G]

The post By the Numbers first appeared on The War on Guns.

I waffled for a while deciding the best way to test this beast of a pistol when Adam Scepaniak

A lawsuit alleges Glock makes and sells guns that are easily turned into illegal machine guns, the state of Maryland and the city of Baltimore announced Wednesday morning. Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott and local law firms announced the lawsuit, alleging the handgun manufacturer facilitates the proliferation of illegal machine guns. … Continue reading "‘On Behalf of Our Criminal Constituents…’"

The post ‘On Behalf of Our Criminal Constituents…’ first appeared on The War on Guns.

And There was War in Heaven

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:51:17Z

Ba-by shark, doo-doo-doo-doodoodoodoo… [Via Jess]

The post And There was War in Heaven first appeared on The War on Guns.

Nothing to Crow About

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:45:07Z

Munich-Crashing Colorado Democrat Fancies Himself as the ‘Voice of America’ [More] So charge him with a Logan Act violation. As an aside, look at the smug “male” identifying as a Demeaning Mom. There’s always one… [Via Michael G]

The post Nothing to Crow About first appeared on The War on Guns.

Speaking of Wretched Refuse…

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:31:55Z

Trans migrant charged with raping 14-year-old boy in NYC bathroom [More] Adding new meaning to “feel the vibrancy”… I’m pretty sure the Founders never intended their grand experiment to become the world’s dumping ground for diseased misfits, perverts, criminals, mental and moral defectives… [Via Michael G]

The post Speaking of Wretched Refuse… first appeared on The War on Guns.

Presidents Day

by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House on 2025-02-17T15:27:00Z

 It's Monday, which is traditionally the day to do laundry, and I've done two loads.  Belle and I agreed years ago that we married each other for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. The vows included nothing about laundry.  She does heres, I do mine.  It works out well for us.

It's also Presidents Day, a day that is a federal holiday, a day to reflect on a purely made-up holiday that allows government workers to take the day off.  It's always on a Monday, which led my father to declare it George Birthington's Washday.  

The dog and I are out in the shop now, and I'm tumbling brass.  I have just over 4000 pieces of .45LC brass to clean for a shoot next month.  We've found that the best way to clean large batches of brass is with a concrete mixer.  2000 pieces of brass, 25 lbs of walnut media and two hours.  They come out clean and shiny.

Yep, that is a trick I learned five or six years ago.

You Don’t Know Jack

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:25:21Z

It’s gonna be wild when Jack Smith winds up being the one going to jail. [More] On the bright side, his investigation resulted in evidence of corruption at the highest levels of government… [Via Michael G]

The post You Don’t Know Jack first appeared on The War on Guns.

Conservatives are raising concerns over liberal Judge Susan Crawford’s campaign for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, pointing to a flood of dark money backing her, including contributions from groups tied to billionaire George Soros. With the election fast approaching, several prominent conservatives and media outlets have sounded the alarm about what they see as an effort … Continue reading "Meanwhile, Over at the Party of the Workin’ Man"

The post Meanwhile, Over at the Party of the Workin’ Man first appeared on The War on Guns.

Lest Ye Be Judged

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:09:59Z

Despite severe risks and without a crime committed, a Minnesota judge authorized doctors to forcibly administer electroconvulsive therapy—while barring key witnesses from the hearing. [More] Fry the brain first, due process later… [Via Michael G]

The post Lest Ye Be Judged first appeared on The War on Guns.

A Plan Comes Together

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T15:04:23Z

Creating Chaos In Elections Is The Left’s Goal. You Should Wonder Why [More] It’s not just elections, they bring chaos to everything, and I think I have a pretty good idea why. [Via Michael G]

The post A Plan Comes Together first appeared on The War on Guns.

Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report! In this ongoing series, we cover everything from some of the oldest examples of rimfire guns and ammo up to the latest releases that we’ve seen at places like SHOT Show 2025 and more. A few weeks ago we took a look at CCI’s Clean-22 Steel Challenge 40 grain ammunition. To sum that article up briefly, the ammo performed exceptionally well in the consistency and cleanliness departments. When it came to accuracy, however, I found the CCI Clean to be lacking and as I mentioned a few weeks ago - this is probably because the ammo isn’t intended to be a precise target ammunition. To further demonstrate this, I took my remaining CCI Clean-22 40gr out to the range along with my freshly cleaned SIG Sauer P322 COMP pistol, to see how well the ammo does out of a more practical Steel Challenge gun.

I Do Not Want to Gloat

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-17T14:46:00Z

2/16/25 DailyMaul:
"Home prices in Washington, DC, have plummeted since the Trump administration and the Department of Government Efficiency began discussing layoffs.

'Since Donald Trump took office, Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has fired thousands of federal workers in a push to reduce spending.

"In the wake of those layoffs, droves of former federal employees have packed up their bags and put their homes on the market, causing the average listing price to sink, The Kobeissi Letter (TKL) reported.

"In November, the median home in the nation's capital was worth $699,000, according to Redfin. 

"By February, the median home value dropped 20 percent, bringing the price down to $560,000."

I had a backup mortgage of $720K while getting my old house sold, so I know that making house payments of this size without at least one extraordinary paycheck (and likely two) would really hurt. Still, how well are these people paid to make a $4000/month mortgage payment?

Perhaps more interesting:

"There has also been a surge in new listings of homes over $1 million. According to TKL, there are 525 listings worth $1 million and 44 listings worth $5 million, suggesting DOGE layoffs could affect people in high-profile jobs."

Who are these people?  Government employees or NGO employees who realize the game is over?

State Police trooper banned from Target after allegedly shoplifting over a dozen times [More] Think of it as an independent Fund the Police initiative. [Via Edmund M]

The post We’re the Only Ones Helping Ourselves Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

What’s in an Aptronym?

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T14:36:07Z

“David Hogg – talk about living up to your name. A trough of DNC dollars all for him and he doesn’t seem to give an oink,” a top Democrat said. [More] This is good news. He’s taken himself out. I don’t see how he can ever recover from this. And it can be used to … Continue reading "What’s in an Aptronym?"

The post What’s in an Aptronym? first appeared on The War on Guns.

Babe in Arms

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T14:24:19Z

Mother With Baby on Hip Gets in Shootout With Alleged Intruders [More] Reasons why Moms Demand Action bleaters would rather she had been unarmed and killed: Oh well, maybe someone can salvage something out of this and make a case for child endangerment… [Via Lane]

The post Babe in Arms first appeared on The War on Guns.

Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T14:12:54Z

Muslim activists are establishing islamic city in Dallas County, Texas. Called Epic City it is touted as a Muslim-only community. [More] And, of course: Realizing that many responsible citizens of other countries might be interested in our properties, our offering is open to any person we approve within the property and investment laws of the … Continue reading "Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You"

The post Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You first appeared on The War on Guns.

CO Democrats Dictate Terms of Surrender

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T14:05:36Z

Like something out of the Gremlins movies, Senate Bill 25-003 was amended well past midnight to transform from a near all-encompassing semi-automatic ban into a permit-to-purchase scheme reminiscent of Illinois’ FOID cards. [More] From a Rocky Mountain Gun Owners email: Without any public testimony or stakeholders, radical anti-gun Senators changed SB-003 from an “Assault Weapons” … Continue reading "CO Democrats Dictate Terms of Surrender"

The post CO Democrats Dictate Terms of Surrender first appeared on The War on Guns.

Quote of the Day You’re gonna be mad when we seize all your Penis Replacements and melt them down into cock rings & butt plugs. JAY carreon @JAYcarreon6Posted on X, July 8, 2023 It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday; it is another … Continue reading
Welcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 125! In honor of Presidents' Day, we're celebrating the spirit of leadership and freedom with a slightly longer gathering of deals on guns, gear, ammunition, and accessories from top online retailers like Primary Arms, Natchez Shooters Supply, Palmetto State Armory, Brownells, and more. Whether you're in the market for new or used firearms, looking to stock up on ammo, or need essentials like flashlights, range bags, optics, bipods, and magazines, our special Presidents' Day lineup has something for you—all while helping you save a few dollars. Enjoy these historic deals and celebrate the legacy of American leadership!

The Artful DOGEr

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T13:48:34Z

We’ve been DOGE-ing in Oklahoma before it was cool. Our department of mental health just sent an agency wide memo banning pronouns in email signatures. Five employees resigned on the spot— sayonara! [More] You’ve also been dodging your responsibility to the Constitution and to your citizens. And then you hedged your bet. And news flash: … Continue reading "The Artful DOGEr"

The post The Artful DOGEr first appeared on The War on Guns.

Monday Meme Dump...

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-17T13:35:00Z


by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-17T13:33:00Z


Rock Meets Hard Place

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T13:30:27Z

Given the Democrat’s policies it’s hard to believe they have the slightest interest in protecting children from abuse, but what is most concerning is what this bill might become. It could easily transform into a vehicle for amendments that will serve no purpose except promoting Evan’s dream of ending civilian firearms ownership. That committee has … Continue reading "Rock Meets Hard Place"

The post Rock Meets Hard Place first appeared on The War on Guns.

Department of Energy 633 Clone at a PCSL 2-Gun Match

by Ian McCollum in Forgotten Weapons on 2025-02-17T13:27:51Z

The new Colt 633 Department of Energy clone from PSA/H&R was really quite a lot of fun to shoot, so I decided to take it to a PCSL match. This was basically a USPSA pistol [...]

The post Department of Energy 633 Clone at a PCSL 2-Gun Match first appeared on Forgotten Weapons.

NMSSA Legislative Update

by admin in The War on Guns on 2025-02-17T13:23:28Z

As we near the half-way point of the 2025 New Mexico Legislative Session, here is a recap of last week and what to expect this week. [More] Unfortunately, it’s a year-round job for gun owners to protect their rights. If you’re a New Mexico gun owner, check the link to see what to expect in … Continue reading "NMSSA Legislative Update"

The post NMSSA Legislative Update first appeared on The War on Guns.

Why would anyone attend these colleges?

by Midwest Chick in Midwest Chick's Place on 2025-02-17T11:30:00Z

Apparently there are some holdouts in academia who, despite all evidence that they do nothing and worse, cause harm, still, in 2025, are required covid shots and boosters for their student body, faculty, and staff. I honestly didn’t know it was still a thing until I read about Trump’s executive order that: prevents “federal funds […]
There’s so much 2A news that Erin and Weer’d can’t handle it by themselves! In This Episode Erin, Weer’d, David, and Oddball discuss: a mass shooting in Sweden and the calls for yet more gun control (despite Sweden’s gun laws … Continue reading

Amazingly Fair NY Times Article

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-16T22:54:00Z

2/16/25 New York Times article about the dramatic change in new gun owners: black, Hispanic,  Asian, Jewish, leftist, transgender and how what started as a perceived need has become fun.
 Can you believe that anyone with more than a grammar school education, would think that there was free speech inside of Nazi Germany, let alone weaponized free speech, prior to and during WW II and that that is what caused the Holocaust! It probably should not be all that surprising that leftists think that, considering all of the prior ridiculous statements I have heard from liberals, as well as all of their outrageous tactics that I have seen; yet, it absolutely amazes me that anyone could think as they think, take for instance CBS host Margaret Brennan of "Face the Nation" who reportedly said this, to Secretary of State Marco Rubio, in reference to VP Vance's a speech, while in Germany, to European heads of state about free speech: 
 "Well, he was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide," Brennan replied. "He met with the head of a political party that has far-right views and some historic ties to extreme groups. The context of that was changing the tone of it. And you know that." Source, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rubio-defends-vances-munich-speech-cbs-host-suggests-free-speech-caused-holocaust.
 Is she out of her mind? If a German citizen, during Hitler's reign of terror, even so much as said you did not agree with each and everything Hitler said - the Nazis had the youth of the country so brainwashed as inform on their own parents at the whim of the Gestapo, SS or other Nazi elements. Even if your parents said they felt sorry for their neighbors, let's say for example the Goldbergs, who had been rounded up and sent to a death camp, the child of the German parents who had said that were encouraged to inform on their parents. The parents would possibly go to the death camps for termination along with Jews, Russian POWs, Gypsies, Criminals, the mentally handicapped, and on and on - anyone whom the Nazis wanted to get rid of. Other parents were shot on the spot or jailed and executed later. My bet is many paid a high price, if they had wealth enough, to be exonerated. However, if they were among people sent to the camps and they were deemed fit enough to work, the Nazis worked them to death or until so weak that the Nazis killed them in the gas chambers or shot them; they also starved them (anyone who was a prisoner in the camps) while they lived. If considered not fit enough to work in the first place, they were killed outright.

Mass grave at Bergen-Belsen, April 1945.

For any idiot out there who thinks for a moment that there was freedom of anything for the people at large, inside of Nazi Germany or inside the lands they had occupied, let me tell you most assuredly: THERE WAS NO FREE SPEECH IN NAZI GERMANY OR IN THE OCCUPIED LANDS UNDER NAZI CONTROL.What there was, was a tyrant and his heinous evil goons running amok who gleefully killed anyone they chose to terminate and they did so as they pleased. 
I wish these so called 'woke' leftists would finally actually wake up.  Maybe Margaret Brennan should go to any historical account of the Nazi death camps and read the text and view the photographs. Maybe if she (and those who think like her) bothered to take a look and actually read the text and view the photographs, then also look at the above photos, and at the statistics shown below (found at Queensboro College, CUNY website),  they might wake up. 

Somehow I doubt it though, I doubt it if only because they a consider themselves 'woke' and thus in their minds they know it all, even when they have the reality of any given situation completely wrong. Facts and reality never seem to interfere with the opinions nor any of the wrong information spewed by liberals and by those whom I think are idiots in the press. 

 Estimated Deaths from Nazi Violence during World War II (by Group)

Being of about half German descent, I started to tear up about halfway through an article I was reading about it all, with truly disturbing text and photos, and I was forced to think that some, maybe even all, of my German ancestors were capable of such atrocities.

All the best,
Glenn B

Quote of the Day It’s been slow coming, and far overshadowed by the rise of Trump. But one movement that’s finally seeing a bit of a breakthrough is “tax the rich.” The landslide win this past week of a tax … Continue reading

New Week, New Memes...

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-16T13:26:00Z

We were hit by another winter storm last week, and the bitter cold is expected to linger. Getting outside to enjoy a cigar has been a challenge, so I’ve retreated to the local cigar lounge more than once lately. On a recent afternoon, despite the “official” temperature being reported as 38°, the wall thermometer on the screen porch read 50°. That would do for a deck smoke.

I brewed a cup of black coffee and selected a Black Label Morphine 10 Year Anniversary Perfecto to enjoy. At 5 x 50, I figured the diminutive cigar would offer a short but robust smoke. Firing up the propane heater at my feet helped fight off the remaining chill.

Morphine is an annual release from Black Label Trading Company, and 2024 marked the 10th anniversary of the line. The Perfecto is one of two new vitolas added for the occasion. These cigars feature a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, accented by an Ecuadorian maduro leaf, creating a subtle, nearly invisible barber pole effect. The binder and fillers consist of Nicaraguan tobaccos from undisclosed origins. The cigar’s overall appearance is somewhat rough and rustic.

This particular stick had been resting in my humidor for eight weeks. It felt light in the hand, and clipping the cap revealed an open draw. The foot lit quickly, and it took little effort to pull a mouthful of rich, spicy smoke. The initial pepper spice was joined by notes of cocoa, dark cherry, and raisin. As the cigar progressed, the pepper morphed into a broader blend of nutty, cinnamon, and baking spice notes.

I enjoy my coffee black, as God intended, but I don’t always find it to be an ideal pairing for full-bodied cigars. That wasn’t the case with the Morphine. In fact, I emptied my cup much faster than usual — despite the insulated mug keeping it almost too hot to sip for a long time. The Morphine Perfecto provided a quick but thoroughly enjoyable 40-minute smoke, and it’s one I’ll likely turn to again while winter lingers.


[ This content originated at Musings Over a Barrel ]

Sunday Meme Drop

by Midwest Chick in Midwest Chick's Place on 2025-02-16T11:30:00Z

It's Huck!

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-16T05:34:00Z

A rather dramatically-lit Huck is lounging in a platform halfway up the cat tree in the living room.

Via 2A History @2aHistory. The only surprises here are how well Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Hawaii ranked. These are particularly oppressive states for gun owners. Some jurisdictions, like Chicago, do not supply complete numbers to the FBI UCR. I wonder … Continue reading

A brief winter safety reminder

by TPOL Nathan in The Price of Liberty on 2025-02-16T01:00:00Z

As we all long for more moisture, less bitter cold and wind, and signs of spring! Several of the staff of TPOL made their annual pilgrimage to Utah – not to Salt Lake City or any sacred site or ground, … Continue reading

Teflon Does Not Machine Well

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T23:26:00Z

It melts too easily instead of cutting.   Holding it the lathe chuck requires sandpaper around the workpiece.   I will use acetal instead. 

That's Not How That Works...

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-15T23:07:00Z

I'm watching the old Steve McQueen western Wanted Dead or Alive on MeTV and McQueen's character, Josh Randall, is confronting the lady who did the criming.

She says to him:
"At least I have a clean conscience, Randall. I did what I did to save my life. You're a man; you can use a gun. I'm a woman."
I was like "That's not how that works, lady! I've read probably thousands of instruction manuals for guns and not one of them contained a sentence that began 'Using the penis...'."


Why Do I Not Buy an Electric Car

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T18:57:00Z

Most are fast.  But articles like this from Ars Technica are persuasive:
"In November 2019, I was overjoyed to drive a new Jaguar I-Pace off the dealer's lot. Five years later, I'm waiting for Jaguar to drive the car away.

"After two recalls for software updates, the car's range is now permanently restricted to 80 percent of what it was new. And along with owners of over 2,700 2019 I-Paces, I'm waiting for Jaguar to buy the car back. That's because the company has decided that purchasing the cars is cheaper—and likely easier—than identifying and replacing defective battery packs. It's a frustrating situation to be in, and not just because I can no longer drive a car I have grown to like."

This guy remains an EVhead.

So Bay Area

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T17:46:00Z

 2/13/25 San Francisco Chronicle:

A sprawling web of violence across America, which has left at least six dead, has been linked to a fringe group of radical Berkeley pseudo-intellectuals known as the Zizians. Investigators across the country are piecing together connections between the double homicide of a wealthy married couple in Pennsylvania, a deadly shootout in Vermont and two brutal knife attacks on a landlord in Vallejo. Four people who are allegedly Zizian cult members are in custody facing homicide charges, despite multiple escape attempts. Three members of the fringe group are missing and wanted, including the leader, Jack “Ziz” LaSota, who faked their death in the San Francisco Bay.

Around a dozen individuals appear to have in-person links to Ziz, some of whom worked at NASA and Google before the arrests began. Many of them advocate for veganism and identify as transgender. Some met through the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a Berkeley nonprofit buoyed by Peter Thiel and Sam Bankman-Fried and associated with the rationalist movement; MIRI warns about the dangers of AI and studies the “mathematical underpinnings of intelligent behavior.”

I guess they are only psedo because they murder people individually instead of using a government.  Of course, the article uses their preferred pronouns. 

Welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the new YHM R45 Multi-Host Suppressor . This week we are looking at the Nielsen device. We have some slow-motion videos demonstrating how it works, and some background discussion to set the stage. Let’s dig into it.

Tab Clearing...

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-15T15:06:00Z


Weapopnization of Government

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T15:03:00Z

The House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is the website although it is labeled Fox News:

The panel is touting its work, saying its oversight has "had a real effect in expanding the First Amendment." 

"In a Supreme Court dissent, three justices noted how the Select Subcommittee’s investigation revealed that ‘valuable speech was suppressed,’" the report states. 

And in a letter to the subcommittee, Facebook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden-Harris administration "pressured" Facebook to censor Americans. ...

The committee also celebrated a "big win" in October after it prevented the creation of a new "GARM," an advertising association that engaged in censorship and boycotts of conservative media companies. The committee revealed, before it was disbanded, that GARM had been discussing ways to ensure conservative news outlets and platforms could not receive advertising dollars and were engaged in boycotts of conservative voices and Twitter once it became "X" under the ownership of Elon Musk. 

Meanwhile, the subcommittee also investigated the alleged weaponization of federal law enforcement resources. 

In speaking with a number of whistleblowers, the subcommittee learned of waste, fraud and abuse at the FBI. 

"When these whistleblowers came forward, the bureau brutally retaliated against many of them for breaking ranks—suspending them without pay, preventing them from seeking outside employment, and even purging suspected disloyal employees," the report states, noting that the subcommittee revealed that the FBI "abused its security clearance adjudication process to target whistleblowers." 

The report references the FBI’s response, in which the bureau admitted its "error" and reinstated the security clearance of one decorated FBI employee. 

They kept yelling "fascist" and "Hitler" while standing in front of a mirror and thought it was a window. 

Weekend Memes...

by Tam in View From The Porch on 2025-02-15T14:56:00Z

When Democrats Lose Their Minds

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T14:36:00Z

This is something even Puritans did not attempt to regulate.  2/10/25 Newsweek:
"Abill proposed to the Ohio statehouse will make male ejaculation without intent to have a baby, a fineable offense of up to $10,000.

"The bill has been proposed by State Representatives Anita Somani and Tristan Rader, who wrote it to point out what they see as the absurdity of rules that control women's bodies but do not control men's. It has not been formally introduced to the House Floor yet.

"Per Somani and Rader, men would face a $1,000 first offense, $5,000 second offense, and $10,000 subsequent offense fine to "discharge semen or genetic material without intent to fertilize an embryo.""

Unless Democrats think semen are capable of birth,  the analogy to abortion is insane.   How will they enforce this?  Cameras in every room?  

Democrats are just insane.

2/14/25 New York Post:
"On Monday, Disney shut down its “Reimagine Tomorrow” program, which was used to highlight stories and talent from underrepresented communities. The initiative promised 50% of regular and recurring characters across the Disney universe would come from “underrepresented groups.”

"It also quietly rolled back other DEI programs this week.

"The Reimagine Tomorrow program sparked outrage in 2022 when a company-wide Zoom call was leaked on social media.

"At the time, one Disney executive touted her “not at all secret gay agenda,” while another boasted that the company was scrubbing the words “ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls” at its theme parks to avoid alienating transgender children."

But alienating the 99%+ of people who are not trans makes business sense.   Even Americans who think genital mutilation is cool is not going to dramatically change the equation.   Even many ordinary Democrats think this is at least silly.

How about picking stories that are interesting or at least fit into the Disney story model.  Person with disadvantages rises up against impossible odds to become successful.   

Oddly enough, the Horatio Alger stories fit that model, although without magic wands or Fairy Godmothers.  Fortunately,  some of us have lived Horatio Alger stories because in America,  you can go as far and as fast as your wits and ambition can carry you 

I Am Sure This is a Coincidence

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. on 2025-02-15T14:16:00Z

2/14/25 New York Post:
"After Trump’s election victory in November, the US Army announced it shattered previous recruiting records when the service said it enlisted nearly 350 soldiers per day in December 2024, the most productive December in 15 years.

"The surge in recruitment comes after two consecutive years of missing recruitment targets."

I am pretty sure that this was because young people respect what Trump ran on with respect to strength and not getting into unnecessary wars.  

TN: Memphis Gunfight in Prescott Mart, Bystander Wounded

by Dean Weingarten in GUN WATCH on 2025-02-15T14:12:00Z

Witnesses say they were all inside the business when a person approached and tried to rob two people.

The suspect demanded their belongings when the teen, who had been at the register, noticed and was then shot.

After reviewing surveillance, police say the victim’s brother shot at the robber, who then fired back, injuring the teen.

The suspect ran from the business and was last seen running eastbound on Sharpe Avenue.

More Here


by Mas in on 2025-02-15T14:00:00Z

Last month I lost one of my best friends. Nolan Santy was 87 when he passed, a genuinely good man and one of the nicest guys in the gun world. Maybe in the world, period. I met him when I was a teenager and he was the master gunsmith at one of the all time […]
Quote of the Day The people who understand things have no power but to scream at the people who don’t understand them, and they never listen, because stupid people don’t know they’re stupid. They will try communism again. “DON’T DO … Continue reading

Aimpoint’s Only Gun: The PC-80 Symmetrical Action

by Ian McCollum in Forgotten Weapons on 2025-02-15T13:27:56Z

Today we are looking at the entire scope of Aimpoint’s firearms development division…which is actually just this one firearm. Aimpoint was founded in 1975 as a partnership between Arne Ekstrand (a Swedish inventor with an [...]

The post Aimpoint’s Only Gun: The PC-80 Symmetrical Action first appeared on Forgotten Weapons.

The Press-Out (Part 1)

by SLG in pistol-training.com on 2025-02-15T12:00:00Z

20 years ago, the press-out was not very well known. 30 years ago only a small handful of us were doing it. In the last 15 years, it has become known well enough that some people are even against it. You know you’ve arrived when that happens! Nonetheless, I think there is a bit of […]

Bringing the hate facts:

When Francisco Hernández de Córdoba landed on what is now Cabo Catoche, March 1, 1517, he asked the Maya what they called that body of water, and they told him the Mayan name was "The Gulf of Mexico." And he respected their native beliefs. And so it is.

If you're stupid.

It's had a lot names. Various maps from 16th to 19th Century have it as Mare de Nort, Mar del Norte, Gulf of Florida, Golfo de Florida, Golfo de Cortés, Gulf of St. Michael, Sinus Michaelis, Golfo de Iucatan, Mare Iuchatanicum, Great Antillean Gulf, Sinus Magnus Antillarum, Cathayan Sea, Mare Cathaynum, Gulf of New Spain, Golfo de Nueva España, and probably a bunch more.

The US controls more coastline and area of the body of water than Mexico does, and both Mexico and the US are in the Americas. What is now both North and South America were considered one continent in US textbooks until the 1950s, and still are in much of the world.

So the name varies on where you are and your language. The US calling that large body of water off the Atlantic the Gulf of America doesn't stop the Mexicans from calling it the Gulf of Mexico (Golfo de México). And I bet you never used the Spanish nomen for it, so what does it matter?

So let's talk about the non-existent Persian Gulf. There is no Persian Gulf, no matter what you call it.
(al-Khalīj al-ʻArabī; Arab Gulf or Arabian Gulf) لخليج العربي

If you get stationed at any military or State Dept facility in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Trucal Arab States, you will be warned up front there is an ARABIAN Gulf. They do not acknowledge the Persians. It would be like referring to "Russian Poland." Just as there is no "French Channel." If you refer to the "Persian Gulf," you will probably be given leeway by your hosts, but it will irritate them. Do it deliberately and there will be issues of some kind.

Over here, you probably call it the Persian Gulf, and that's fine. The Turks call it the "Gulf of Basra" (Basra Körfezi). In Iran it's the "Khlij Fars" (خلیج فارس). "Persian Gulf."

So the name varies on where you are and your language. The US calling that large body of water off the Atlantic the Gulf of America doesn't stop the Mexicans from calling it the Gulf of Mexico (Golfo de México). And I bet you never used the Spanish nomen for it, so what does it matter?

This is despite some of the stupidest comments by allegedly educated liberals:

"We don't own it, so we have no right to rename it."

As noted above, we own more of it than Mexico does.

"It was the Gulf of Mexico before America existed. Learn history!"

America was named on April 25,1507. Ten years before colonizers named the Gulf in various forms in Spanish.

Next time we're at my wife's family's place, we'll be swimming and boating in "the Gulf."
BTW, you DO comprehend that Trump doing this is largely distraction for idiots, right? While you're shrieking over this, you're not hassling him over his real work of dismantling the National Socialist police state.

Of course you don't, because you're ignorant and stupid.

Saturday Meme Drop

by Midwest Chick in Midwest Chick's Place on 2025-02-15T11:30:00Z

Tank Names

by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House on 2025-02-15T11:00:00Z

 Younger son sends this proto of a bunch of what appear to be Abrams tanks with tank manes.  Anyone who folows WWII  movies has probably seen the movie Fury, which focuses on one tank crew during the latter stages of the European theater.  Tank names, traditionally, are based on the unit that the tank is assigned.   Traditionally, tank companies are assigned to Company A, B, C, or D.  Whereas cavalry troops are assigned to Troop E, F, G, or H.  That tells me that the fictitious tank "Fury" was assigned to a cavalry unit and was in F troop.

I digress.  The photo my son sent me is below.

It seems that these tanks are assigned to Company A and B of some unit, and someone has a sense of humor.  The tank with the red arrow is "ASVAB WAIVER".  That is funny.

My first tank, and M60A1 in 4/37th Armor was "Cap'n Crunch".  Naming tanks fell out of favor in the '80s and I didn't see much of that.  In my last unit, 1/156 LANG, we could name tanks, but I was in a staff position and didn't have a tank.  However, on dark night during gunnery, our Batallón Commander stuck his tank in the pre-dawn hours and got off it to let the Master Gunner retrieve it.  When it came out of the ditch sometime around dawn, it had been renamed "Ditch Witch".  The old man laughed it off, he had a good sense of humor.

Naming tanks is a morale thing.  Good commanders laugh it off.

Several of us here at TPOL have been chided by family and friends because we “hate” public schools. Of course, it is difficult to briefly explain to someone the failings, risks, and consequences of public schools – or as we … Continue reading

The Short-lived RPK-16 Light Machine Gun / Automatic Rifle

by Lynndon Schooler in The Firearm Blog on 2025-02-15T01:00:00Z

The RPK-16 was first unveiled in 2016. It appeared to be a successor to the RPK-74, following the typical design trends in Russian firearms. "RPK" refers to Kalashnikov's hand-held machine gun, commonly categorized as a light machine gun. However, the RPK series, including the RPK-16, is more accurately classified as an automatic rifle.
Like other service rifles such as the French FAMAS, the Swedish Ak 5 C (Automatkarbin 5 Cesar) is up for retirement, but with a crisp image like this it’s hard not to add it to TFB’s Photo Of The Day . You can also see the FN MAG machine gun in the foreground, called Ksp 58 (in 7.62x51mm) by the Swedes, as well as the Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle. I think this is the M3 version of the Carl Gustaf, to be replaced by the M4. The grenade launcher is a powerful weapon and forms the foundation of the Swedish Armed Forces' anti-tank arsenal. There is a large selection of ammunition to choose from, but I wonder which grenade would be best suited for drones. Or if there’s one in development?

Fudd Friday: Bring Back Pump-Action Rifles

by Zac K in The Firearm Blog on 2025-02-15T00:00:00Z

I’m sick and tired of bolt-action rifles, and we definitely don’t need more straight pulls. What we need is more pump-action rifles like the Remington 760 and Savage 170. Let’s explore the history of these practical, but forgotten rifles and why manufacturers need to bring them back.


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