Friday, 26 July


Leave While You Still Can

by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. at 18:15, Friday, 26 July

7/28/24 NBC News:

"A Denver-area web designer who won a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year that said the right to free speech allows some businesses to refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings has asked a judge in Colorado to award her nearly $2 million in legal fees."

You may recall Colorado is who tried to destroy a cake baker over a,similar issue.  If you stay in fascist states, you will never be left alone.  Starve thr Blue States.  Leave.

Several years ago, after many and varied old-tractor troubles, Ian’s tractor’s injector pump got very intermittent and finally stopped working at all. It was just parked for a couple of years until July 2021, when…

There was a huge disturbance in the force. The wash cut itself a major new channel and Ian lost a big chunk of his front yard. The next day another flood laid the tractor on its side and it became part of the landscape.


We here at The Price of Liberty are far from geniuses.
But we know it is possible to learn a lot by reading and listening to people who are geniuses. Here are ideas from thirteen people most of us consider geniuses.
Not all geniuses love liberty – but those who do have some very important things to say.

Allan Bloom The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside.

    Aldous Huxley So long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons, Caesars and Napoleons will duly rise and make them miserable. Liberty, as we all know, cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of central government.

    Albert Einstein...

    ♪♫Back in the Saddle Again♫♪

    by Kevin in The Smallest Minority at 19:34, Friday, 26 July

    Progressivism is founded on a delusion. The idea that if only the Best and the Brightest had sufficient power, they could structure society so as to create the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number. This is false.

    Not only can they not, no one can. The complexity of even the simplest human society far exceeds the ability of any one, any group, or any computer process to understand and predict. – Jeff Dege at Quora, channeling Thomas Sowell.

    A government by “the best and brightest” is, according to, an Oligarchy:

    Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies. Aristotle used the term.

    I started this blog in May of 2003 because I was pissed off. I’d met my wife-to-be in 1993, married her in 1995, and she was the first pe...

    POTD: Royal Marines & Swedish Coastal Rangers

    by Eric B in The Firearm Blog at 12:13, Wednesday, 10 July

    In This Episode
    • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
      • the attempted assassination of Donald Trump;
      • the Republican Party removing of all mention of gun rights from their 2024 platform;
      • Alec Baldwin’s manslaughter case being dismissed with prejudice;
      • the passing at age 96 of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex therapist and… former Israeli Defense Force sniper?
    • David teaches us the precision method of zeroing a scope;
    • and Weer’d talks with David Yamane about his time studying religion.

    Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

    Show Notes

    Main Topic


    A New Scam

    by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. at 17:36, Friday, 26 July

    Caller with a Boise phone number claimed to be a Caldwell police officer calling because I failed to show up for a federal trial.  First clue,: a federal officer would have called.

    I could see the windup to paying the citation by credit card.

    Caldwell police said this is a common scam from overseas.

    FCC needs to shut down rhe foreign exchange services that allow businesses in other nations to make it appear they have a North American phone number.  This is an invitation to fraud.

    Gone Fishin’

    by admin in The War on Guns at 13:56, Friday, 26 July

    Not really. Gone relearning what “lazy” is all about. There are still a few articles that haven’t been published yet I may post about here if I can figure out how to update this site with my phone. But aside from that I’ll be in pursuit of happiness/Blessings of Liberty mode. Please hold off on … Continue reading "Gone Fishin’"

    The post Gone Fishin’ first appeared on The War on Guns.


    This past spring, I offered a free public webinar version of my Sociology of Guns seminar at Wake Forest University. I’m now making full recordings (presentation plus Q&A) of each session available on my Light Over Heat YouTube channel over the next seven weeks.

    You can view the course syllabus online here and I made a YouTube video that covers the syllabus in more detail if you’re interested.

    Module 4 (April 22): Defensive Gun Use and The Standard Model of the Irrationality of Defensive Gun Ownership


    I don’t do this to subvert election chances or to get people mad at me. I do it because by viewing politicians with realistic expectations, gun owners will be in a better position to understand where, when and how they may disappoint us once we help them win power, and to insist the “gun rights … Continue reading "Hopes and Praise for Vance Mustn’t Cloud Gun Owner Expectations"

    The post Hopes and Praise for Vance Mustn’t Cloud Gun Owner Expectations first appeared on The War on Guns.

    If Kelly is the pick, here’s hoping Republican opposition researchers investigate all his business dealings, and loudly. [More] That, and how long will it take Kamala to realize certain powerful special interests will consider him a more effective fit for the top job?

    The post If Harris Picks Kelly for VP, Republicans Need to Follow the Money first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Silencer Central Banish Speed K Ti: Soda Can Sized Suppression

    by David Lane in Recoil at 12:31, Friday, 26 July


    Firearm Industry Giants Sued For Gun Memes

    by David Lane in Recoil at 12:02, Friday, 26 July


    Federal Bags Another Spec-Ops Ammo Deal

    by Zac K in The Firearm Blog at 03:24, Friday, 26 July


    Racist and Out of Touch

    by Joe in The View From North Central Idaho at 09:00, Friday, 26 July

    Quote of the Day

    Okay, I just want to add that the shooter was a 20-year-old kitchen worker from nearby Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. According to a CNN report, a senior law enforcement official said that he bought 50 rounds from a local gun store hours before the rally.

    Shouldn’t that have been reported? Somebody buys…a 20-year-old white guy? I mean we’ve seen that many times now. Young white men with guns and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition?

    Joy Behar
    July 15, 2024
    Lefties Horrified Young White Men Can Buy 50 Rounds of Ammo Without Triggering a SWAT Raid – Shooting News Weekly

    “white guy”? Racist much?

    “50 rounds of ammunition”? Out of touch with reality?

    I wonder what she would think if she knew it is nothing special when this white guy buys buys 5,000 rounds of ammunition and/or assembles 2,000 rounds.

    Meme Dump...

    by Tam in View From The Porch at 07:45, Friday, 26 July



    At the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, former President Trump has been nominated to be elected president again. Senator J.D. Vance has been selected as the Vice President candidate. No one was shot or injured at the convention. There was heightened security because of the recent assassination attempt on former President Trump.

    Far left Democrats, such as Milwaukee Alderman Bauman, wanted someone, anyone, to ban the poss...

    The suspect had been seen tampering with the homeowner's vehicle and prowling on property.

    The armed homeowner confronted the suspect, but the suspect attacked and knocked the man to the ground. 

    After witnessing the assault, the homeowner's significant other approached the assault and fired a warning shot into the ground in an attempt to deter the incident.

    The suspect continued with the assault prompting the significant other to make attempts at physically removing them from the fight. 

    After a momentary pause in the fight due to the efforts of the witness the suspects reengaged in the assault. 

    The homeowner then shot the suspect prompting him to leave and collapse in the street nearby.

    More Here

    DENVER — Police said an intruder was shot and killed at an apartment near the University of Denver campus early Sunday morning.

    Denver Police said the resident of the apartment inside One Observatory Park, a man, came home just before 1 a.m. and was startled by the intruder.

    The resident shot the intruder, who died at the scene.


    More Here

    Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 26, 2024

    by Greg Ellifritz in Active Response Training at 06:52, Friday, 26 July

    Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, c...


    by Mas in at 09:00, Friday, 26 July


    History of SAW Use in the US Army

    by Ian McCollum in Forgotten Weapons at 09:27, Friday, 26 July

    DEADLINE to ENTER is TONIGHT 07/26/24 @ 11:59pm (PST).

    The first squad automatic weapon used by the US Army was the French Mle 1915 Chauchat, which was the primary LMG or automatic rifle for troops in the American Expeditionary Force in World War One. At that time, the Chauchat was a company-level weapon assigned where the company commander thought best. In World War Two, the Chauchat had been replaced by the BAR, and one BAR gunner was in each 12-man rifle platoon. The BAR was treated like a heavy rifle though, and not like a support weapon as light machine guns were in most other armies.

    After Korea the value of the BAR was given more consideration and two were put in each ...


     I'm honestly not sure if this a bug or a feature, but the Secret Service has recommended that Trump no longer do outdoor rallies.  Which, of course, are his thing.  But then the SS won't have to worry about sloped roofs and buildings clearly within a reasonable perimeter.  So it makes THEIR jobs easier.

    By their well thought out assassination attempt being thwarted by a turn of the head (because seriously, that many holes in security cannot be just fuck-ups), they are pivoting and are now using it as an excuse to not have as many people see him in person, cutting down on his campaigning effectiveness.

    They really are trying to give Kacklin' Kamala every advantage, aren't they?


    The madness was just starting,  I was 10 and I could enjoy XLNT tamales.   They are a Southern California brand but they now sell interstate foe those of wanting a taste of a good time, long, long ago.

    I used to cook them wrong.  I took the paper wrapper off and put the plastic wrapped tamale in boiling water for 35 minutes.   They turned okay anyway 

    Microwave instructions say 4-5 minutes.   5 browns the ends ...

    If this was from a medieval European event, I would not be surprised but in America with the active support of thr political party that controls the White House and is heavily backed by American Jews?

    I am horrified.  Horns. Blood dropping from fangs?  Where is St. Hugh of Lincoln?  From Soiked.

    I am increasingly...

    Preparedness Notes for Friday — July 26, 2024

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:04, Friday, 26 July

    On July 26, 1803, the horse-drawn Surrey Iron Railway (SIR), arguably the world’s first public railway, opened in south London. — On July 26th, 1931, a swarm of grasshoppers descended on crops throughout the American heartland, devastating millions of acres. Already in a bad drought, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota suffered tremendously. The swarms were said to be so thick that they blocked out the sun and one could shovel the grasshoppers with a scoop. While America has not seen infestations on such a scale since then, North Africa and parts of the Middle East continue to experience them. — …

    The post Preparedness Notes for Friday — July 26, 2024 appeared first on

    Building a Utility Trailer – Part 1, by Lodge Pole

    by SurvivalBlog Contributor in at 03:03, Friday, 26 July

    On a family camping trip earlier this year, I realized how little room, rather how much “stuff” we take with us when we go anywhere. As much exercise as I get from climbing in and out of the back of our tall truck, I wanted something that could carry all our camping gear, that was easy to unhitch and move by hand, and was easy to load and unload. After talking over some ideas with my wife, I decided it was time to get a utility trailer that we could use not only to carry our camping and exploration gear, …

    The post Building a Utility Trailer – Part 1, by Lodge Pole appeared first on

    Economics & Investing For Preppers

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:02, Friday, 26 July

    Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. In this column, JWR also covers hedges, derivatives, and various obscura. This column emphasizes JWR’s “tangibles heavy” investing strategy and contrarian perspective. Today, we look at the new Ethereum ETFs. (See the Forex & Cryptos section.) Precious Metals: Gold Price Predictions for the Next 5 Years (By Experts). o  o  o Daniel Lacalle, at Central Banks Purchase Gold to Offset Their Own Money Destruction. Economy & Finance: Repos Spike in 2024 As Fewer Americans Can Pay Their …

    The post Economics & Investing For Preppers appeared first on

    The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:01, Friday, 26 July

    “If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted . . . . If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” – Noah Webster

    The post The Editors’ Quote of the Day: appeared first on

    If you’ve ever spent a rain-filled weekend on a camping trip, you’ll want to read these 25 rainy-day camping activities before your next outing. ~ The Editors


    You’re nestled in a cozy tent, surrounded by towering trees, and a serene campsite is your temporary refuge from the chaos of everyday life. The crackling campfire warms your hands as you listen to the gentle sounds of nature. But wait! The heavens have decided to unleash their watery fury upon your camping trip. Rain begins to pour, threatenin...


    POTD: Zenith Firearms - Suppressed ZF5

    by Eric B in The Firearm Blog at 12:09, Wednesday, 10 July

    Thursday, 25 July


    Where we stand in mid-2024

    by TPOL Nathan in The Price of Liberty at 20:00, Thursday, 25 July

    It is still only a few weeks into Anno Libertatus 248, and just 233 years ago, the following document (unmarked up, of course) was produced. With very high hopes.



    A Generous Reader sent me some ammo!

    Five boxes of 124 grain practice ammo, to help see if the Arex likes that better than 115 grain. Two boxes of .44 Magnum reloads and…


     Something I noticed during Biden's address on Wednesday night was not about him, although something he was wearing started me down this particular rabbit hole.

    It's been a thing for a while that male Republicans generally wear red ties and Dems wear blue.   Trump wore a lot of purple ties his first time around and probably will during his second term--symbolic mixing of blue and red, I think.

    Okay, so they are color coded for our convenience (if they'd also wear sponsor patches like the folks in racing do, we'd be set).

    I was watching the CBS airing of the Biden speech--unlike all of the other channels, even NBC, who showed the speech and then boogied back to regular programming ASAP, CBS kept going, and going, and going.

    Getting to the point--all of the reporters were wearing blue.  All of them.  If they weren't in solid blue like Nora O'Donnell almost always is and like the chick at the White House was, then blue ties, blue accessories were the color du jour.

    I don't think they are wearing blue to match the color of their eyes.  I think it's symbolic and is something to watch for.  Not that their gang allegiance...

    Lest We Forget

    by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House at 16:02, Thursday, 25 July

    With all the Biden-Harris talk of the great economy, it's time to revisit that old commodity that we all use on a daily basis.  Unleaded gasoline.  It has been my habit to take a photo at the gas pump on the last day of a president's term and compare it to reality later.  So, here is a picture I posted a while back.

    As you can see, when Trump left office, unleaded gasoline at my favorite station ...

    “This raises the questions of why the shipment was delayed and why it was completed so soon after that was reported,” the request notes. [More] Funny, how quickly the shipment was back on track once postal inspectors were told there was a “missing” AR-15 in their system…

    The post FOIA Request Issued to USPS to Determine Cause of Special AR-15 Delivery Delay first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Best Semi-Auto Shotguns [2024 Buyer’s Guide]

    by David Lane in Recoil at 15:07, Thursday, 25 July



    Free Books- Part 301

    by Greg Ellifritz in Active Response Training at 12:12, Thursday, 25 July

    Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE e...

    Forced Reset Reset

    by Carl Bussjaeger in The Zelman Partisans at 11:55, Thursday, 25 July

    Among other gadgets which the ATF-Troop unilaterally declared to be NFA items — machine guns, specifically — was the forced reset trigger and like items.

    Not so fast, feckless feddies. A federal judge has tossed that bizaare claim, in NAGR v. Garland.

    Having considered the above-referenced filings and applicable law, th4e Court concludes thatthe Defendants engaged in unlawful agency action taken in excess of their authority. Therefore, the Courts GRANTS Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgement and DENIES Defendants’ Cross-Motion for Summary Judgement.

    Note: The judge didn’t say the ATF exceeded its authority and leave it at that. He specifically and explicitly stated that they acted unlawfully; they broke the law. And he called out their BS on claiming FTRs turn semiautos into machine guns.

    An FTR is a device that forcibly returns the trigger to its reset state. In the commercialized FRT designs at issue i...


    Stupid and/or Desperate?

    by Joe in The View From North Central Idaho at 09:00, Thursday, 25 July

    Quote of the Day

    Minnesota cites common law evidence that (as minors) 18 to 20-year-olds did not have full rights. Minnesota, however, does not put forward common law analogues restricting the right to bear arms. Instead, Minnesota points to statutory law, such as the Militia Act of 1792 that required 18 to 20-year-olds to acquire firearms, as evidence the common law was the inverse. See The Militia Act of 1792, ch. 33, 1 Stat. 271, § 1. A mandate to acquire a firearm is hardly “evidence” that one was previously prohibited from owning one.

    Duane Benton
    Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
    July 15, 2024
    Worth-Opinion.pdf (
    Kristin Worth; Austin Dye; Axel Anderson; Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus; Second Amendment Foundation; Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc.


    Bob Jacobson, in his individual capacity and in his official capacity as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

    Kyle Burton, in his individual capacity and in his official capacity as Sheriff of Mille Lacs County, Minnesota; Dan...

    Enjoy the Democratic infighting

    by Borepatch in Borepatch at 11:56, Thursday, 25 July

    There seemed to be a lot less attention to my recent post about fighting between various Democratic coalitions than to the one about Preference Cascades. That's too bad because we are seeing that fighting right out in the open, and it explains a lot about why things are happening.

    Exhibit A: the firing of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.  Sure, it was the Right Thing to do, but when has anyone in Washington DC done the Right Thing?  Instead, let's look at coalitions and their current dynamics.

    Cheatle was firmly in Biden's coalition, seemingly close to "Doctor" Jill herself.  But now Sleepy Joe is gone and doesn't have the stroke to protect his coalition members.  It seems that Kamala was key in pressuring Cheatle to resign - Kamala is constructing her own coalition and needs to show the world that she's the one with stroke.  Also, she needs the ass...

    Bears In The Air

    by Pawpaw in PawPaw's House at 09:54, Thursday, 25 July

    It seems that yesterday, NORAD intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers closing on the Alaska Air Defense Zone.

    NORAD detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on July 24, 2024. NORAD fighter jets from the United States and Canada conducted the intercept.

    They never crossed into our airspace, but the timing, just ahead of Biden's address, seems to send a message. We are not the only ones watching this election. 


    Automotif DXXVI...

    by Tam in View From The Porch at 08:38, Thursday, 25 July

    The car that eventually became known as just the Supra started out as a zhuzhed-up Celica with a snout stretched to accommodate an inline six. In Japan it was the Celica XX, but export models were sold as the Celica Supra.

    For the 1982 model year a whole new generation of Celica Supra debuted, the A60. In the North American market these came in two flavors, the P-type and L-type, for Pe...


    by Tam in View From The Porch at 08:50, Thursday, 25 July

    On October 1, 2017, a mass murderer killed 58 people by firing at them from an elevated position in Las Vegas. Over 800 were injured. Stephen Paddock was found, an apparent suicide on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. He had a reported 23 firearms, of which 12 had bump stocks installed. In the audio recordings of the event, the firing sound much like automatic weapons fire.

    President Trump had been in office less than ten months. The calls for immediate legislation to ban bump stocks, the details of which included bans on virtually all semi-automatic firearms, were loud. Congressional resistance to the media onslaught existed, but were in the minority.  The NRA called for the ATF to study the situation, and remedy it with regulation if necessary. President Trump said he would consider regulation. ...

    KSP stated they learned of a deadly shooting on July 20, just after the midnight hour, at a home in Trigg County.

    State police said a man went into a home on Linda Lane and was armed with a weapon. He was then suspected of forcing himself into a room before being shot by the homeowner.

    More Here

    Randy Sachs, a spokesperson for the Choctaw Nation, said the initial information and investigation shows a man was shot and killed outside the McAlester residence following a case of “probable self-defense.”

    Sachs confirmed a man, who has been identified as Scotty Thurman, brandished a firearm during an altercation outside of the residence and was shot and killed by another man, who has not been identified by authorities.

    More Here

    ST. LOUIS, Mo. (First Alert 4) - Police say a 16-year-old was shot in the chest as he and three other suspects attempted an armed robbery early Saturday in Soulard.

    Following the incident, the male juvenile was dropped off at an area hospital where he is listed in critical condition, according to St. Louis Metropolitan Police.

    More Here

    Thursday Meme Drop

    by Midwest Chick in Non-Original Rants at 06:30, Thursday, 25 July



    Preparedness Notes for Thursday — July 25, 2024

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:04, Thursday, 25 July

    On July  25, 1850, Gold was discovered in Oregon, on the Rogue River. — On this day in 1797, Horatio Nelson lost more than 300 men and his right arm during the failed conquest attempt of Tenerife (Spain). — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 113 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2,000. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can …

    The post Preparedness Notes for Thursday — July 25, 2024 appeared first on

    Unexpected Homelessness: An AAR, by A Grateful Mechanic

    by SurvivalBlog Contributor in at 03:03, Thursday, 25 July

    Editor’s Introductory Note: This article is an After-Action Report (AAR).  At more than 6,400 words, it was long enough to serialize into three parts. But because it is in narrative form, I thought it was best to present it all in one piece. — In late 2019 into early 2020 I experienced a several month unexpected period of homelessness. This was during the incipient stages of the COVID-19 pandemic situation where there was significant “fog of war.” The severity of the situation was unclear. This was an exceptional learning opportunity that yielded significant operating experience that I am sharing here. …

    The post Unexpected Homelessness: An AAR, by A Grateful Mechanic appeared first on

    The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:02, Thursday, 25 July

    SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, another look at computer security and cyber warfare threats. Can Prepping Be Used Against You in Court? Reader Tim J. suggested this video from the Armed Attorneys: Can …

    The post The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods appeared first on

    The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:01, Thursday, 25 July

    “I happen to be a big fan of Western civilization; I think it beats the hell out of tyranny and starvation.” – Jordan Peterson

    The post The Editors’ Quote of the Day: appeared first on

    It’s Christmas in July! Which actually makes me somewhat crazy. The ads, posts and events to promote it weeks ahead of time are irritating while I’m trying to soak up the summer. But I get it. We’re halfway to Christmas, so we might as well celebrate something at the end of July. 

    Since Santa is enjoying his summer vacation, it would be rude for me to ask him to deliver gifts this time of year. So, I guess it’s up to me to pick out gifts for myself and others from Springfield Armory’s online store. Since it’s all hypothetical (I’m not rich, don’t drive a sleigh and have no elves), I may as well go all out. 

    Gifts for Me



    7/24/24 Gab:

    "Today Gab learned that Thomas Crooks, the deranged Joe Biden supporter who attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump, may have had an account on our platform. We are unable to confirm that the account in question actually belonged to him, but have reason to believe it does after receiving an emergency disclosure request from a law enforcement agency.

    "The account was last active on the site in 2021. As far as we are aware, the account did not use the site to send any direct messages. He posted on the site nine (9) times total."

    A Very Long Day

    by Clayton Cramer in Clayton Cramer. at 23:17, Wednesday, 24 July

    All of it spent in a deposition for Guardian Arms v. Washington.   As I explained to the Washington Assistant Attorney-General,  the only thing worse I have to look forward to is open heart surgery next month.

    He was sharp and helped me identify some errors in my mass murder data base.  I need to write some queries to look for out of range and inconsistent data.

    To my surprise,  when I articulated the insurrectionary theory of the Second Amendment advanced by James Madison, he treated the idea with more respect than I expected.  Opening the discussion with tattooed concentration camp survivor of my youth probably made it more realistic.

    These are tough things to do.

    Wednesday, 24 July


    TFB Review: C&H Precision ERD-1 Red Dot Sight

    by Sam.S in The Firearm Blog at 16:58, Tuesday, 23 July

    Everyone loves a good large windowed enclosed optic with quick brightness adjustments and a crisp reticle. C&H has entered the game with their ERD-1 which was announced at SHOT2024. I had a chance to talk with the very kind folks there and they gave me the low down. I feel embarrassed to say I do not remember much of what was said but it was because I was so interested in the ERD-1. It had my attention and I knew I had to review it down the road. They were nice enough to send a T&E sample my way when production got rolling so here we are. How does it stand up in today’s market? Let’s dive right into my review of the C&H Precision ERD-1 Red Dot Sight!

    More C&H Precision @TFB:

    Wheelgun Wednesday: Charter Arms Coyote & Combo Series

    by Adam Scepaniak in The Firearm Blog at 17:54, Wednesday, 24 July


    Conspiracy or merely cooperation and CYA?

    by TPOL Nathan in The Price of Liberty at 20:00, Wednesday, 24 July

    CNN has published an article summarizing the testimony of the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner to a congressional committee on the almost-successful killing of The Donald. The testimony, if accurately reported, seems to contradict several other reports. While we cannot (and may never) know which are honest and which are mistakes or outright lies, what is revealed is a series of serious “rookie” or even “amateur” mistakes and examples of poor communication, poor planning, and poor coordination.

    To us here at TPOL, highly biased and increasingly frustrated, this is just another entry in an encyclopedia entitled Why Governments Can’t Be Trusted.

    Should we attribute it to arrogance, stupidity, or inability to reason? Or to malice, vicious intent, or Machiavellian conspiracy? We can’t read their minds. And frankly, we don’t think our stomachs would tolerate it if we could. It is the result we rail at. This time, mistakes (or intentional malicious acts and failure to act) only resulted in one father dead and three wounded. But add that spilled blood to the tens of mi...

    Slow Going Ahead

    by admin in The War on Guns at 18:07, Wednesday, 24 July

    I’ll be leaving on a trip in a few days, won’t be back for two weeks, and I need to focus on finishing some articles for AmmoLand and Firearms News instead of posting here. I don’t want to see anybody wasting their time and efforts, so please hold off on correspondence and news tips. I’ll … Continue reading "Slow Going Ahead"

    The post Slow Going Ahead first appeared on The War on Guns.


     It's supposed to be from the Oval Office. 

    Question 1--Is it going to be the actual Oval Office or the fake one across the street?

    Question 2--Are there going to be press in the room with him or just his handlers?

    Question 3--Is he going to use this time to stump for Kacklin' Kamala (since that should be a no-no since he would be using his office and its power in yet another unethical way)?

    Question 4--Why does the Star Trek episode 'Patterns of Force' and the scene with the drugged up Great Leader keep flashing in my head?

    Question 5--Can they get the AI voice to sync up with his body double? 

    Question 6--Is he going to deny that he dropped out of the...

    Best IFAKs for Concealed Carry: Is There a Doctor in the House?

    by Alice Jones Webb in Recoil at 15:24, Wednesday, 24 July



    Automotif DXXV...

    by Tam in View From The Porch at 13:02, Wednesday, 24 July

    This '72 Triumph GT6 is an example of the last of the breed. On its third iteration at that point, the Spitfire-based hardtop coupe had Triumph's 1,996cc inline six in place of the original's four cylinder motor. (This is what necessitated the rather prominent power bulge in the center of the hood.)

    Triumph developed the GT6 for the street following the success of the aero fastback tops...

    Car Blog

    by Tam in View From The Porch at 12:51, Wednesday, 24 July

    So, I've put up a blog for just car stuff. Going forward I can cross-post the Automotif pieces there, plus I have an enormous back-catalog of them on this blog that I can port over there and populate it fairly quickly. Hopefully I can diversify my freelance writing career and get some automotive and photography writing in just to see my byline in a few other places before the entire written word industry drowns in a sludge of AI-generated gobbledegook.


    Dad Joke CCCXXXII

    by Borepatch in Borepatch at 14:09, Wednesday, 24 July

    Tom emails a Dad Joke:

    Golf balls are like eggs. They’re white, sold by the dozen, and a week later you have to buy some more.

    Just give them what they want? What if, after you bare your throat and cede all decision-making to remorseless reptiles, you find out what they want is you? [More] Assume any POS evil, desperate, and deranged enough to threaten your life over a wallet is ready to kill you for no reason at all.

    The post ‘Expert’ Advice on Gun Defense May Get People Killed first appeared on The War on Guns.

    A Plan Comes Together

    by admin in The War on Guns at 13:52, Wednesday, 24 July

    Yes, America helped the Russian and Chinese communists destroy a functional, Western nation known for being “more British than the British” The result was genocide. [More] The same thing is happening here. And here, if the Democrats have their way. [Via WiscoDave]

    The post A Plan Comes Together first appeared on The War on Guns.

    A Forced Reset

    by admin in The War on Guns at 13:12, Wednesday, 24 July

    NAGR wins lawsuit against ATF trigger ban … The ATF may appeal this ruling, but precedent and momentum are both on our side, and we fully anticipate the absolute end of the ATF’s unlawful, unconstitutional ban on forced reset triggers. [More] They’ll appeal because they have unlimited tax plunder to do it with and dragging … Continue reading "A Forced Reset"

    The post A Forced Reset first appeared on The War on Guns.

    A Zero-Sum Game

    by admin in The War on Guns at 12:55, Wednesday, 24 July

    The head of the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee isn’t playing games when it comes to the White House avoiding answers to questions about potential collusion with antigun groups to target GLOCK, Inc., with a frivolous lawsuit. [More] Is there a likelihood that anyone will go to jail? [Via Michael G]

    The post A Zero-Sum Game first appeared on The War on Guns.

    We’re the Only Ones Indoorsy Enough

    by admin in The War on Guns at 12:42, Wednesday, 24 July

    Secret Service Wants Trump to Stop Doing Large Outdoor Rallies [More] Yeah, remove a major source of generating campaign excitement and participation because many of the ones who aren’t complicit are incompetent. [Via Michael G]

    The post We’re the Only Ones Indoorsy Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

    We’re the Only Ones Employable Enough

    by admin in The War on Guns at 12:36, Wednesday, 24 July

    Records show Sean Grayson, who shot and killed Sonya Massey, an unarmed Black woman, worked for several departments in just the last few years. [More] Getting caught just proves that one “Aw, $h!+” erases all those “Attaboys!” So what about the partner who let it happen without objection? Ol’ Kenny Winslow certainly can weasel-word with … Continue reading "We’re the Only Ones Employable Enough"

    The post We’re the Only Ones Employable Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

    So the Political Center Must Be the Mensheviks

    by admin in The War on Guns at 12:27, Wednesday, 24 July

    Project 2025 Would Increase Gun Violence, Reversing Historic Declines [More] And “the far-right Heritage Foundation”… Good one! “Center for American Progress” my… eye. [Via Steve T]

    The post So the Political Center Must Be the Mensheviks first appeared on The War on Guns.

    We’re the Only Ones Removed Enough

    by admin in The War on Guns at 12:06, Wednesday, 24 July

    Tuskegee police chief and assistant chief removed from office [More] And none of the “real reporters” can say why? Just that”issues had been brought to the city council’s attention several weeks ago, prompting the decision by the city manager and attorney to steer the police department in a new direction”…? No one’s curious why the … Continue reading "We’re the Only Ones Removed Enough"

    The post We’re the Only Ones Removed Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Czechs Offer Even More Money For Vista

    by Zac K in The Firearm Blog at 05:15, Tuesday, 23 July


    Quote of the Day

    Common claims about U.S. self-defense law’s “exceptionalism” and “inhumanity” fail under closer scrutiny. Observers in the media, academia, and elsewhere tend to conflate access to deadly force (via firearms) with the legal authorization of the same. England and Germany’s self-defense laws, for example, far from being more “humane” toward the alleged attackers, place comparatively less legal restrictions on the circumstances under which deadly defensive force can be used.

    Beyond assertions about U.S. self-defense law’s “harshness” being factually off-base, they are distractions. They get in the way of our embarking on a more informed national debate about the proper role of, and justification for, self-preferential deadly force in a modern, democratic society.

    Eugene Volokh
    March 15, 2022
    Comparing U.S., English, and German Self-Defense Law (

    Interesting. I was under the impression that self-defense was essentially illegal in England...

    Blog Stuff

    by Tam in View From The Porch at 10:02, Wednesday, 24 July

    I'm debating whether to peel the car content out of here entirely or just cross-post it at a new blog as well as here.

    The Automotif posts are fun for me and, well, there are over five hundred of them at this point...


    This past spring, I offered a free public webinar version of my Sociology of Guns seminar at Wake Forest University. I’m now making full recordings (presentation plus Q&A) of each session available on my Light Over Heat YouTube channel over the next seven weeks.

    You can view the course syllabus online here and I made a YouTube video that covers the syllabus in more detail if you’re interested.

    Module 3 (from April 8): The Concealed Carry Revolution


    Speaking of Swarms of Officers

    by admin in The War on Guns at 11:42, Wednesday, 24 July

    The Ascendance Of Sociopaths In US Governance [More] They’re not just “only following orders.” [Via bondmen]

    The post Speaking of Swarms of Officers first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Egging on the Low-Hanging Fruit

    by admin in The War on Guns at 11:39, Wednesday, 24 July

    Less than a week after the attempt on Trump’s life, leftists are back to their old habits of trying to tie Trump to fascism. [More] It’s called projection. And it works. Now compare what they say to what he said on J6 and is being prosecuted for. [Via bondmen]

    The post Egging on the Low-Hanging Fruit first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Calling All Tyrants!

    by admin in The War on Guns at 11:25, Wednesday, 24 July

    Elizabeth Warren Calls on Republicans and Democrats to Ban ‘Assault Weapons’ in Show of Unity [More] Because nothing says E Pluribus Unum like starting a civil war. [Via bondmen]

    The post Calling All Tyrants! first appeared on The War on Guns.

    We’re the Only Ones Cleaning Enough

    by admin in The War on Guns at 10:48, Wednesday, 24 July

    COVER-UP: FBI Tries to Kick Out Senator Josh Hawley at Assassination Attempt Site Despite Having Local Security Operator’s Permission — “Get Out of Here. You Shouldn’t Be on the Site” [More] What’s he trying to do, preserve evidence…? [Via bondmen]

    The post We’re the Only Ones Cleaning Enough first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Frutrated Evil Bitch Wants to Kill Us

    by admin in The War on Guns at 10:44, Wednesday, 24 July

    Pennsylvania Woman Calls For Assassination of Trump at State Fair [More] That means she wants genocide. Any bets that when she’s ID’d we’ll find she also wants our guns? [Via bondmen]

    The post Frutrated Evil Bitch Wants to Kill Us first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Nous Sommes les Seuls à être Suffisamment Armés

    by admin in The War on Guns at 10:21, Wednesday, 24 July

    LAPD officers allowed to carry guns at Paris Olympics after France makes exception [More] As Bryant always said, “Si vous n’êtes pas flic, vous êtes de petites gens.” [Via Steve T]

    The post Nous Sommes les Seuls à être Suffisamment Armés first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Guns in Space

    by admin in The War on Guns at 10:13, Wednesday, 24 July

    X replaced the water pistol emoji with a regular gun, for some reason [More] PSH ensues. It’s not the first time. [Via Steve T]

    The post Guns in Space first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Democrat Against Democracy, Fascist Against Fascism

    by admin in The War on Guns at 10:03, Wednesday, 24 July

    It is seldom a dramatic event or attack that lets fascism in the door. The violence comes later after they are voted in. [Watch] Don’t let these fascists get away with misusing a term that really applies to them. [Via Jess]

    The post Democrat Against Democracy, Fascist Against Fascism first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Mayorkas Stacks Panel Investigating Trump Assassination With Deep State Ringers [More] Hey, if we can’t trust Janet Napolitano to be forthright, who can we trust? [Via Michael G]

    The post After a Thorough Examination We Declare Ourselves Innocent first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Can We All Get Along?

    by admin in The War on Guns at 09:02, Wednesday, 24 July

    Michigan Man Suspected of Driving Over Elderly Trump Supporter Commits Suicide After Identified [More] Yes, Trump is an avatar. If you favor the policies he campaigns on, anyone who wants him dead wants you dead. [Via Michael G]

    The post Can We All Get Along? first appeared on The War on Guns.

    This Fudd’s for You

    by admin in The War on Guns at 08:54, Wednesday, 24 July

    Mobilizing apathetic hunters and gun owners could be key to conservative victories in November [More] But it’s easier just to complain in comments sections.

    The post This Fudd’s for You first appeared on The War on Guns.

    MAGAL: A Galil in .30 Carbine for the Israeli Police

    by Ian McCollum in Forgotten Weapons at 09:27, Wednesday, 24 July

    In the early 1990s, Israeli Military Industries (IMI) developed the Galil MAR (Micro Assault Rifle) and the MAGAL at the same time. Both were intended to be very compact rifles, with the MAR in 5.56mm and the MAGAL specifically for police in .30 Carbine. The MAGAL offered the same handling and ergonomics as the regular Galil family, but with a reduced-power cartridge and only semiautomatic operation for better police suitability.

    Mechanically, the MAGAL uses a totally standard Galil receiver and bolt carrier, with a bolt face made slightly smaller to fit the .30 Carbine case and the gas piston shortened slightly. A magazine well insert is permanently fitted, using M2 Carbine magazines modified to have an AR-style bolt hold-open (which also reduces their capacity to 27 rounds). It is a gas-operated action, not a blow...




    Mircea Fechet, Romanian Minister of The Environment, Water, and Forests, from Romanian Government press briefing, official release

    On July 10, 2024, a 19 year old tourist woman and her boyfriend hiking in Romania, were attacked by a European brown bear. The couple was on the emergency phone line with authorities as the woman and man followed directions on how to handle a bear. The woman was attacked, dragged off, killed and, apparently, partially eaten. The bear attacked authorities attempting to recover the body, and was shot and killed.

    The European brown bear in Romania is a sub-species to the worldwide population of brown bears. The species includes the North American Grizzly, the Japanese Ussuri brown bear, the Kodiak bear and the European brown bear in Russia. All are part of the same species, with the primary variation caused by th...

    TAYLOR COUNTY, Fla. (WCTV) - One man is dead after breaking into a home on Osteen Road in Perry, according to the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office.

    Officials said the homeowner woke up to the sound of glass breaking, as someone was forcing their way through the front door.

    TCSO reported when the intruder came into the bedroom - where the homeowner and a female-friend were located - the homeowner grabbed his legally-owned gun and shot him.

    That man was, later, identified as the female-friend’s husband, according to deputies. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

    More Here

    On July 20, 2024 at about 3:00 a.m., deputies responded to the 6900 block of New Africa Road to take a report of an auto burglary. Upon the Deputy's arrival, it was revealed the homeowner and suspect had exchanged gunfire. No injuries were reported.

    More Here

    Police began investigating one incident around 2:05 a.m. Friday, responding to a reported burglary at a commercial building in the 4200 block of Rainier Avenue South. A 42-year-old man was shot after he broke into the business and was confronted by the armed 71-year-old owner, who allegedly shot the intruder in self-defense, the Seattle Police Department said in a blog post.

    The man was shot in the hand and was found by police a few blocks away from the business. He was taken to Harborview Medical Center in serious condition and was placed under arrest for investigation of burglary.

    The business owner told detectives that the alleged burglar was armed with a blade. The gun used in the shooting was seized for evidence, as were t...

     Apparently some members of Congress took a trip out to Butler Co PA to look over the "dangerously pitched roof" after Kimberly Cheatle's less than satisfying 'testimony'.  A 70 year old member did not have any problems taking a stroll in the fresh air on the roof itself.

    The American Glass Company's building' roof was completely unguarded (they were guarding it on the inside).  The excuses for no one being up there were myriad--the infamous sloped roof, it was too hot so someone abandoned their expected post, yadda yadda yah. Others like B have pointed out the water tower, or windows, etc. as points of possible gunplay.

    There is a window that looks over the entire roof.  No slopes--the floor looked pretty even to me, and probably much cooler--there's even a conference table.  So WTF, seriously?

    🚨New video shows...

    Much Ado About Nothing

    by admin in The War on Guns at 08:22, Wednesday, 24 July

    Articles of impeachment, accusing her of high crimes and misdemeanors, have been filed in Congress by U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., against Kamala Harris, the current vice present and, since Joe Biden’s exit from the race, the presumed Democrat party nominee for president. [More] Meh: Prognosis 14% chance of being agreed to.

    The post Much Ado About Nothing first appeared on The War on Guns.

    The Content of Her Character

    by admin in The War on Guns at 08:11, Wednesday, 24 July

    MSNBC’s Joy Reid says Black people will look ‘real weird’ if they don’t vote for Kamala Harris – ‘You’re going to look real crazy being on the other side of that line particularly as a person of color,’ Reid said. [More] So it’s OK to judge and ostracize a person for not being a racial … Continue reading "The Content of Her Character"

    The post The Content of Her Character first appeared on The War on Guns.

    Jackie Richardson whips up these simple and delicious air fryer fish tacos with cabbage slaw, using frozen rockfish filets. ~ The Editors

    I love making and eating taco dinners. I’ve written previously about my easy crockpot venison tacos (made with beer – so tender), and this time decided to make a fish taco using my air fryer. I used this recipe for the fish, and my favorite slaw recipe from these shrimp tacos. I had Rockfish filets from Wild Alaskan Company in my deep freezer, so that is what I used for these tacos. However, I believe any white fish filet would work well.



    Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — July 24, 2024

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:04, Wednesday, 24 July

    On July 24th, 1704, English and Dutch troops occupied Gibraltar. — The late Jerry Ahern passed away on this day, July 24th, 2012. His survivalist novels created an entire genre. — On July 24th, 1567, Mary Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate. Her 1-year-old son became King James VI of Scots. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 113 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could …

    The post Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — July 24, 2024 appeared first on

    What is Old is New Again – Part 2, by 3AD Scout

    by SurvivalBlog Contributor in at 03:03, Wednesday, 24 July

    (Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Keeping warm will be another area where we revert back to old ways. I see lots of prepper articles and YouTube videos about sawing wood for heat. Back in the bygone days, one of the daily chores of children was picking up “sticks”. Many of us may remember the old nursery rhythm with the line “five, six pick up sticks”. These sticks were used for cooking. Heat from the daily food preparation was just an added bonus in the colder months. We may want to lower our expectations of post-TEOTWAWKI comfort. Trying …

    The post What is Old is New Again – Part 2, by 3AD Scout appeared first on

    SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:02, Wednesday, 24 July

    This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — SurvivalBlog reader C.B. sent this: Microsoft-CrowdStrike outage: How a single software update was able to cause IT chaos across the globe. Here is an excerpt: “The global IT outage on 19 July serves as a stark reminder of our vulnerability to technological failures. Triggered by a single faulty software update provided by …

    The post SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets appeared first on

    The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

    by James Wesley Rawles in at 03:01, Wednesday, 24 July

    “There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

    The post The Editors’ Quote of the Day: appeared first on

    LE Weapon Handling During the Assassination Attempt

    by Greg Ellifritz in Active Response Training at 02:57, Wednesday, 24 July

    If your social media feed looks anything like mine, you’ve been deluged with photos, videos, memes, and speculation regarding the failed assassination attempt against former president Trump.  Among my friend group (a lot of cops and firearms instructors) the primary shared discussion has been about the poor weapon handling displa...

    Tuesday, 23 July


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